MNR Energy Project
(Questions and answers)
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(Questions and answers)
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MNR Energy Project has answered questions clearly LaPAD teamβs questions.
In this text AMA, you will be able to learn about the objectives of the MNR ENERGY project. This article of questions and answers will tell you more about this project.
Questions and Answers
What is MNR Energy Project? what does it mean?
The name itself comes from Money + Energy, resulting in: Monner Now, what is Monner Energy Project you ask? for starters, Monner is a company founded by our CEO Bryan, Monner is a real company dedicated to the installation of solar panels based in the United States, the company is registered under the LLC and actively paying taxex and that aims to get listed on the New York Stock Exchange and Colombian Stock in mid february. Monner is also our descentralized ecosystem that is going to prove that things can be done right on the decentralized crypto market when backed by a real company and an actual board of serious investors, both the company and the crypto project are being funded by Bryan himself and around 8 members really close to us who already signed a contract agreeing to help us keep the token and the ecosystem stable. Bryan and the rest of the investors already come from years of working as traders and became really disappointed at the state of the actual market, specially with so many controversies like the FTX scandal for example, which is why we want to do things right with our work. Daily rewards of 7.5% of your investment during fairlaunch for 2 months.
2. How many people does MNR Energy Project team consist of?
Monner has a team of around 40 people, consisting of the best engineers and programmers we could find to work in the instalation of the panels and the developing of our decentralized endeavor concurrently as well as the best marketing team to help us promote the project with the best communities like this one for example.
3. Can you inform us about MNR Energy Project , and what is current sitution? When will be launch?
Monner is currently during its fairlaunch face which has surpassed our expectations so far, the fairlaunch will end in just 23 hours so you can invest in the token right now, right when the fairlaunch comes to an end we will list the token on pancakeswap as soon as possible We are offering a special gift, giving 7.5% of daily return to the fairlaunch investors, a great opportunity only available this time for you.
4. At the same time as a investor, why I should invest MNR Energy Project? Can you convince me for invest?
As mentioned, Monner is actually a real working company with proof of its legitimacy, there is barely any decentralized project that is able to prove they can fund their development with their own money, the market is lacking serious projects and we mostly see memetokens, shitcoins and scams. Monner is none of that but something made by people that found great success as traders so they really appreciate the culture and idea of cryptocurrencies, so Monner is basically a love letter to those that remain in the space and still have a hope for a change. this gift of 7.5% of daily return for 2 months based on how much you invest during the fairlaunch, is a unique opportunity we are offering as a thank you as our first believers and investors since we will be working to keep the token stable with our own funds. Link to our registration as a real company in Miami.
5. Will it be any staking program in the future ?
Altough we like to call our reward system a stacking, it is not actually that, you just have to hold your tokens in your wallet for 2 months to receive the 7.5% daily return and since this is a unique opportunity for our fairlaunch investors, we are not considering a stacking system at the moment, maybe in the future but as for now the reward is only for the fairlaunch investor. You can visit our page to learn more
6. For marketing of MNR Energy Project which countries are target?
We are planning to get our company and project to various countries specially those in need of cheaper sources of energy like latin america and africa, but as of now our main focus is in the United States at the moment, being our company based in the country as well as being the most secure country to keep a project like this afloat.
7. Is there any plan for listing on coinmarketcap and Coingecko ?
Absolutely, we already discussed that at early stages of the project and we will definitively get listed on coinmarketcap and coingecko as soon as we can.
8. Is there any plan to list on Tier 1 CEX Exchanges? What will be these exchanges?
Monner is a real project that has always aimed at working with the best in the market, I can reveal right now that we have already discussed with three major centralized platforms to get our token listed, we will aim at more in the future and altough I would like to name them right now, the only one I am allowed to mention at the moment is Bitmart from which their team is really close to monner and are really looking forward to get associated with us.
9. MNR Energy Project , as far as I know long-term project, How long it will be continue ?
Right now we are more focused in developing other aspects of our ecosystem like: 1) Allowing our solar panels to be able to mine crypto. 2) MonnerSwap which will be a decentralized exchange page similar but better than pancakeswap. 3) Monner Wallet, a digital wallet aiming at being more efficient than the current ones in the market 4) Monnercard which will help you exchange your token for any currency and even withdraw cash from ATM machines around the world, we already have partnerships with Visa and Mastercard to develop it. 5) Monner Games, our online casino/metaverse that will work with several minigames where you will be able to gamble your tokens. Monner is a long term project, we want it to last as much as the crypto market itself, our token is locked for 100 years and we will work really hard to get to the top amount the best and prove that there is more than just cheap projects in the market.
10. There is some big capitals or companies help to projects for succes, will you cooperate any big companies or capitals?
Monnerverse is already a successful company using their own funds to pay for all that is required to have a sustainable project, it is worth to remind that we are working alongisde Visa and MasterCard to develop our crypto card.
11. What is marketing budget? Is there any plan for avoid investors fund loses?
Monner currently counts with a budget of more than 1 million and a half to be able to develop everything we have mentioned. it is a huge investment of money and time to make everything right, we are using our own money as well as the money from our private investors to make this possible, it is a sacrifice, but we owe so much to the crypto space that we feel it is neccesary to give it all to prove we are more than worth it. Fairlaunch (ends in 23 hours) great rewards of daily 7.5% of investment for 2 months.
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